Self-Reliance Gone Mad — Making Butter

Is it cheaper than store-bought?

Linda Acaster


Kitchen counter with implements to make butter.
Home-made butter. Image © 2023 Linda Acaster

I guess it began during the train of British Covid lockdowns. While we put life on pause, waiting to see how bad the forecast pandemic shortages would become, I looked to develop more self-reliance. Like many others, I started baking bread.

It’s the family joke that my loaves can be used as replacement household bricks. However, I found my saviour on YouTube with no-knead recipes. Wholemeal, seeded, white, olive, they all turned out very palatable and I rose in the family’s esteem.

The nudge towards self-reliance has re-emerged due to the spiralling cost of… everything… particularly food. So, when I spotted an article on making butter I was shocked how easy it seemed. Besides, anything to avoid dusting.

Having purchased the cheapest tub of fresh whipping cream the supermarket offered, I poured it into my heirloom mixer, and set to. Ahem, I mean I switched on the machine. It took around ten minutes to turn chilled cream into the mass seen in the photo, ready to be massaged in iced water to rid any residual ‘butter milk’ which would turn it rancid in double-quick time.

Iced water? So the butter didn’t melt due to the warmth of handling. Who knew? It is suggested the ‘butter milk’ be used in baking, but I found it very…



Linda Acaster

British multi-genre fiction author who haunts historical sites - check out her publication 'Escape Into History'. For novel links: