Grouped windfall appleas in shades of green on grass
The First Casualties — Image by © Linda Acaster

Looking at You, America!

August Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Food”

Linda Acaster
2 min readAug 23, 2024


Please keep your Hurricanes to yourself.

The image was taken yesterday morning after I’d collected the first casualties; by afternoon the grass was littered with leaves and twigs. This morning the six empty water butts are brimming, and all the full-leafed trees in my and neighbouring gardens are thrashing themselves senseless. There’s not a bird to be seen.

Welcome to Storm Lilian, the renamed rampaging tail of Hurricane Ernesto which swept up the eastern seaboard of America a few days ago.

A visiting Texan friend was visibly shocked to learn that a lot of the weather experienced on the western edge of Europe last saw landfall in the Americas — and of course Ireland and the UK are first in its path.

Storm Lilian, though, has been on the cards for a while, even before Ernesto swept to prominence. Hurricane Debby shredded the polar Jetstream — one of the four high level air currents which circle the earth at around 30,000 feet. It is the Jetstream which causes flights from northern USA to the UK to be shorter timed journeys than from the UK to northern USA. It is also why our weather is so changeable.



Linda Acaster

British multi-genre fiction author who haunts historical sites - check out her publication 'Escape Into History'. For novel links: